
A game. That's a pizza party. That's a performance. On a bus. (And also a trip to Maine.)

The end of October heralded the return of my project about fair districting, Packing and Cracking, in its third iteration: on a bus!

We drove audience members to sites of gerrymandering in Pennsylvania, and played games along the way to share how maps are drawn, how that drawing is manipulated, how that affects us every day—and what we can do to stop it.

Special thanks to the Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics for helping us make it happen!

Right after that, I took a plane (not a bus) up to Monson, Maine, where I’ll be for a month thanks to a residency at Monson Arts. I’m working on my project VIP, about the history of abortion in the United States. It’s cold and quiet and lovely so far!

Two of the resources I’ve been loving have been: Abortion in America by James C. Mohr and the Access podcast. Check them out to learn all about the history of abortion in this country with me!

Rachel Gita Karp